Hey there!

I’m Steve, and welcome to my page! You’ve probably arrived here either from my resume, LinkedIn, or one of my tech articles. So, I’ll skip the part about telling you how I like to scuba dive or how I enjoy long romantic walks on the coast during sunset. 🤪

So, let’s get down to business!


I’m actively looking for a new remote role right now, and I can accommodate a full-time position, contract, or corp-to-corp. Please contact me via LinkedIn if you would like to talk about how I can assist you and your team.


I’m a developer/engineer/problem solver. I have a bachelor’s degree in Engineering from UCSD. I took the self-taught route in programming which means I’m pretty used to researching development topics/ideas on my own. I have been coding for 8 years, and I have 4 years of backend, full stack, and frontend engineering work experience. In my previous roles, I have worked mainly in JavaScript, Node.js, Express.js, AWS, React.js, PostgreSQL, and MySQL, just to give you a quick list. I also have hobby-level experience using Python and MongoDB.

My GitHub

I created my first GitHub repo in 2015, so I’ve been coding for a bit. My GitHub has 67 repos at the time of writing this for you to peruse. My repositories range from small ones for testing ideas to larger ones with more operational projects. Many of those projects have been shuttered and are not live on URLs any longer, but the code/commits are still there for you to review.

You can view my GitHub account here: Steve's GitHub Profile

My Coding Articles

You can find some articles I have written here: Steve's Medium.com Profile or below in my blog.


Project Portfolio

This project uses Python, Flask, SQLite, Docker, and AWS.

This is a server-only project that exposes a REST API for creating stores, registering and logging is as a store admin, adding items to the store, adding tags to the store, and relating tags to items.

This project uses Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, Docker, and AWS.

This is a file server project for a simple e-commerce store. It allows a user to sign up, log in, log out, add products to the store, add items to a cart, checkout, create invoices, and more. It uses EJS and CRUD endpoints to serve HTML files and leverage the needed functionalities for the store.

This project uses Node.js, Express.js, PostgreSQL, Docker, and AWS.

This is a server-only project. It allows a user to sign up, log in, and conduct CRUD operations to create a task list that only the user can interact with.

This project is written in React.js using Next.js.

This application allows a user to enter their physical attributes as well as their goals. It will then calculate their daily caloric limit and macronutrient profile in order to achieve their goals. The user can adjust their macronutrient profile to their liking after the original calculation.

This project uses TypeScript, React.js, Next.js, and Google Firebase Cloud Functions.

This application allows a user to enter a few details about themselves and family members. It will then calculate, based on average life expectancy, how much of their life they have lived, and how much longer they have to spend with their family members. This is meant to remind people how short life is.